President -
Cecilia Daly

Vice-President - 
John Ackerman

Recording Secretary - 
Jessica Haney

Corresponding Secretary - 
Barb Blanchfield

Treasurer -
Denise Halcomb



 In November of 1983 a group of fifteen friends met in a home and what we know as WCOTC was born. Every one shared the common interest in dog obedience training  and showing. The second Tuesday of each month was designated as the meeting night. Meetings were held in members' homes until April of 1984 when they were moved to Northside CivicCenter in Greensburg.

At the January 1984 meeting the club colors of royal blue and silver were chosen, and plans for a Spring Fun Match were begun. Basic training classes were started at Armbrust. In March, the club welcomed its first guests who later became members.

The first Fun Match was held at Keystone State Park on Saturday May 12, 1984. In June of that year, the club held an obedience demonstration at Greengate Mall. A fall Fun Match was held at Keystone State Park on October 6, 1984.

On the club’s tenth Anniversary, the club was incorporated. During those first ten years, the club grew to 59 full-privilege, junior, and provisional members.

Training classes were expanded to fill three nights with eight classes plus run-throughs. In addition to two Fun Matches, WCOTC held an annual Open House at Greengate Mall. The club established an extensive pet therapy program.  Members participated in parades, demonstrations, and other community activities. 

During the second ten years, the club went through a significant growth period, reaching over 170 full-privilege, junior, and provisional members. The club went from teaching approximately 8-10 puppy and basic obedience classes a year, to running a highly respected dog training club which instructs obedience, agility, freestyle, and conformation classes to over 750 students a year.

We became licensed by the AKC to hold agility trials in 1995, and obedience trials in 1999. We hold four AKC Obedience/Rally trials and six AKC Agility trials each year.

In 1999, we moved to the Delmont North Industrial Park and expanded our training program. We run classes and oversee other dog-related activities seven days a week. We now manage two training buildings.

Our wish is to continue the great reputation we have worked long and hard to achieve. We need to continue, and to improve upon our support for each other an
d for the club.